Fractional Sales Process


We define your businesses unique service proposition, your ideal customer profile and we hit the ground running by introducing you within the chocolate-commerce network as we build out a full prospect plan.


Using a blend of automation tools, AI and human expertise we undertake data driven, personalised outreach products and know exactly when to target prospects as they progress from through the pipeline.


Once a prospect becomes a lead they are personally and expertly nurtured and guided through the pipeline. Being responsive and knowledgeable, having the trust of the decision makers and making sure the deal influencers are our evangelists.


We will make sure the pitches, decks, story telling and credibility are top notch to give every deal the ultimate chance of closing. Our close ratios are extremely high. No one wants to be up against Tina Maia in a final pitch, so make sure you have her in the room with you!

20+ Years of Experience

With over 20 years of sales experience, including 13 years in the e-commerce industry, Tina Maia brings a wealth of knowledge to our team.

Strategy Consulting

Identify your USP (Unique Selling Point) and build a B2B sales strategy to ensure consistent sales

End to End Sales

From initial outreach to pitch presentations to contract negotiations. We take the entire process off your hands

Build Credibility

Having an experienced, knowledgeable Director of Sales builds your credibility and your bottom line

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20+ Years Of Experience
Founded by Tina Maia in 2016, Chocolate Commerce is a recipe of 20 + years sales experience (13 years in Ecommerce), Excellent relationships and extensive contacts with retailers of all sizes and across verticals.
Deep Dive Consulting
Chocolate-Commerce offers deep dive consulting to get the the heart of your business and create a clear, compelling story to present to prospects that defines your differentiators and unique value proposition.
Penny Drop Moments
A successful sales process requires a “penny drop moment” this is how I describe that alignment of values that has the prospect nodding in agreement.
Flexible Pricing
It’s never price that wins a deal, its the connection that comes from a compelling presentation… not of what you do, or how you do it but why you do it and this is what Chocolate-Commerce works to uncover and present.
Story Telling
Once we have the story, we agree how best to tell it and then we market it and adapt as required… Ideally my clients and I become really well versed in co-presenting.

Fractional Sales Management Information

Maximise Sales with Fractional Sales Management

fractional sales manager conducting a meetingFractional sales management has become increasingly popular recently, particularly among small and medium-sized businesses. One option is to bring on board a part-time sales leader or executive responsible for managing the company's sales operations. This person usually operates on a contractual basis, devising and executing sales strategies, overseeing the sales team, and propelling revenue growth.

The fractional sales manager typically possesses extensive experience and a solid track record in sales and leadership. With their wealth of experience, they collaborate closely with the current sales team to enhance performance and meet sales objectives. This arrangement enables businesses to leverage the knowledge and expertise of an experienced sales leader without incurring the expenses associated with hiring a full-time executive.

Fractional sales management allows businesses to tap into the expertise of experienced sales leaders part-time. Companies can benefit from the knowledge and know-how of a professional sales executive without having to make a long-term financial commitment to a full-time hire.

The fractional sales manager collaborates closely with the existing sales team to pinpoint opportunities for enhancement, devise impactful sales strategies, and propel revenue growth. This approach is especially advantageous for small and medium-sized businesses that may lack the resources to employ a full-time sales executive yet still require strategic sales leadership to propel their business forward.

Important Points to Remember

  • Fractional sales management entails recruiting a skilled part-time sales leader who will effectively oversee and enhance sales operations.
  • Bringing on a part-time sales leader can offer numerous advantages, including saving costs, increased flexibility, and tapping into specialised expertise.
  • Small businesses can significantly benefit from outsourcing sales executive roles. By doing so, they can save on costs while gaining access to highly experienced professionals.
  • Establishing well-defined objectives, offering continuous training, and cultivating a supportive team environment are crucial to effectively managing a sales team.
  • Effective sales leadership is essential for optimising sales performance by implementing strategic planning, coaching, and fostering motivation.
  • With fractional sales management, you can enhance your sales strategy by receiving expert guidance, implementing proven best practices, and optimising your sales processes.
  • Many businesses have found great success by implementing fractional sales management, which has significantly improved sales performance and overall business growth.

The Benefits of Hiring a Part-Time Sales Leader

part-time sales leaderEmploying a part-time sales leader can provide numerous advantages for businesses seeking to enhance their sales performance. First and foremost, it offers access to top-tier sales leadership and expertise without needing a full-time hire and the associated financial commitment. By leveraging the knowledge and know-how of a seasoned sales executive, businesses can enjoy the advantages without the hefty price tag of a full-time salary, benefits, and additional expenses.

In addition, a part-time sales leader can offer valuable insights and innovative concepts. With their expertise, they can provide a fresh perspective to pinpoint areas of improvement in the sales function and devise creative strategies to boost revenue growth. This can be highly beneficial for businesses that may have hit a roadblock or are facing challenges in meeting their sales goals.

In addition, bringing on a part-time sales leader can offer businesses greater flexibility. Companies can hire a fractional sales manager to meet project or time requirements. This enables them to adjust their sales leadership and effectively scale their operations. This flexibility can be especially advantageous for businesses that may go through variations in their sales activity throughout the year.

Outsourced Sales Executive: A Cost-Effective Solution for Small Businesses

Outsourcing sales leadership can provide a cost-effective solution for small businesses seeking to enhance their sales performance. By utilising the services of an outsourced sales executive, companies can gain access to top-notch sales leadership and expertise without the need for a full-time hire, saving on costs. This can be incredibly beneficial for small businesses that may not have the means to hire a full-time executive yet still require expert sales leadership to propel their business forward.

In addition, outsourcing sales leadership can grant you access to a broader range of skilled individuals. Due to limited networks and resources, small businesses often face challenges in attracting top-tier sales executives. However, by outsourcing this function, they can expand their talent pool and gain access to the expertise and experience of seasoned professionals.

Small businesses can effectively concentrate on their core competencies by outsourcing sales leadership. By utilising the expertise of an outsourced executive for sales, business owners and managers can free up their time and resources to focus on other crucial aspects of the business, such as product development, customer service, or marketing. Implementing these strategies can significantly enhance your business's overall efficiency and effectiveness.

Effective Sales Team Management: Tips and Best Practices

Best PracticesMetrics
Set Clear GoalsConversion Rate, Sales Targets
Regular TrainingTraining Hours, Skill Improvement
Effective CommunicationTeam Engagement, Feedback Quality
Performance TrackingRevenue Growth, Customer Satisfaction
Team CollaborationTeamwork Score, Cross-Selling Ratio

Efficiently managing a sales team is essential for driving revenue growth and achieving business success. Discover practical strategies and proven techniques for effectively managing a high-performing sales team:

1. Establishing clear goals and expectations: It is crucial to clearly define sales targets and expectations for every sales team member. By providing clarity and direction, team members can understand their expectations and how their performance will be evaluated.

2. Ensure your sales team receives ongoing training and development to enhance their skills and knowledge. Provide individuals with the necessary skills, knowledge, and tools to excel in their positions and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the industry.

3. Cultivate a team culture that fosters positivity, support, collaboration, communication, and mutual respect. Building a strong team culture can enhance the sales team's morale, motivation, and productivity.

4. Ensure effective performance management: Consistently evaluate and analyse every team member's performance. Offer valuable feedback, acknowledge accomplishments, and promptly address improvement areas.

5. Harness the power of technology and data: Use cutting-edge technology and advanced data analytics to monitor performance, detect patterns, and make well-informed choices. Implementing this solution can enhance sales processes, boost efficiency, and achieve superior outcomes.

Establish and maintain strong communication lines within and between the sales team and other departments to promote a culture of open communication. This can assist in streamlining processes, resolving issues promptly, and ensuring alignment throughout the organisation.

The Role of Sales Leadership in Maximising Sales Performance

one-on-one coaching sessionEffective sales leadership is essential for optimising sales performance within a company. Successful sales leaders play a crucial role in shaping the sales function's vision, direction, and strategy. They also provide invaluable guidance, support, and motivation to the sales team.

Sales leaders have the crucial responsibility of creating a high-performance culture within the sales team. To achieve desired outcomes, they establish clear expectations, offer continuous training and development opportunities, and employ efficient performance management practices.

In addition, sales leaders have the critical task of promoting collaboration and alignment among various departments in the organisation. They collaborate closely with marketing, product development, customer service, and other departments to ensure alignment and cohesion across the entire organisation, driving towards shared goals and objectives.

How Fractional Sales Management Can Improve Your Sales Strategy

Utilising fractional sales management can significantly enhance your sales strategy by granting you access to experienced sales leaders and their expertise on a part-time basis. With the expertise of a fractional sales manager, your existing sales team can benefit from close collaboration, pinpoint areas for improvement, devise impactful strategies, and ultimately boost revenue growth.

Incorporating fractional sales management can introduce fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to enhance your sales function. With the perspective of an experienced expert, you can uncover any overlooked areas or potential opportunities in your current strategy. By offering creative solutions, we can help you achieve improved outcomes.

In addition, fractional sales management provides businesses with high flexibility. Engage the services of a fractional sales manager to effectively scale your sales leadership based on your specific project or time frame. This flexibility can be especially beneficial for businesses that may encounter variations in their sales activity throughout the year.

Case Studies: Successful Implementation of Fractional Sales Management

mutual understanding and agreementMany businesses have effectively utilised fractional sales management to enhance their sales performance. An excellent illustration is a small software company that enlisted the expertise of a part-time sales leader to overhaul its sales strategy. The sales manager collaborated closely with the existing sales team to introduce new processes, deliver continuous training, and establish well-defined objectives. Thanks to the company's efforts, there was a notable boost in sales revenue in a matter of months.

One interesting case study revolves around a medium-sized manufacturing company that brought in an experienced executive part-time to handle its sales leadership. With the expertise of a skilled professional, the outsourced executive brought a fresh perspective and introduced new ideas to the company. This allowed them to uncover untapped market opportunities and create innovative strategies to fuel their growth. As a result, there was a significant boost in new business opportunities and a notable improvement in overall sales performance.

Ultimately, fractional sales management provides numerous advantages for companies seeking to enhance their sales performance. Businesses can leverage the knowledge and experience of top-tier sales leaders without the need for a full-time hire. This allows them to tap into valuable expertise while minimising financial obligations. This approach can significantly enhance your sales strategy, boost revenue growth, and maximise overall business success.


What is fractional sales management?

Fractional sales management offers companies the opportunity to hire a skilled sales manager on a part-time or temporary basis, boosting their sales processes and performance. Companies can now tap into the knowledge and experience of an experienced sales manager without incurring the expenses associated with a full-time hire.

What are the benefits of fractional sales management?

Using fractional sales management has several advantages. These include saving costs, gaining access to specialised expertise, having flexibility in hiring, and quickly scaling up or down as required. It enables companies to prioritise their core business activities while benefiting from experienced sales managers' expertise.

How does fractional sales management work?

Fractional sales managers often collaborate with companies on a part-time or project basis. They have the expertise to evaluate existing sales processes, devise effective improvement strategies, deliver comprehensive training to sales teams, and offer continuous support and guidance. We can customise the scope of work to fit your company's requirements perfectly.

Who can benefit from fractional sales management?

Any company, regardless of size or industry, can significantly benefit from fractional sales management. It is especially beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses that may lack the means to employ a full-time sales manager or for larger companies seeking specialised expertise for a specific project or initiative.

What are the typical responsibilities of a fractional sales manager?

A fractional sales manager's responsibilities can vary based on the company's requirements. They typically involve evaluating existing sales processes, formulating sales strategies, instructing and mentoring sales teams, establishing sales goals, and offering continuous assistance and advice to enhance sales performance.

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